My public WiFi is currently offered as a freeware installation.

The WiFi creator also gives you several options to manage the network, and you can stop running your virtual hotspot at any time. A login page is presented where friends, family, or guests can connect the virtual network you have created. The network is configured automatically, and the PC or device must be restarted. Windows Firewall has to be disabled completely. You create your hotspot using any name you choose.
You install the program and run the WiFi creator. Setup is straightforward and very simple. Apart from that, you can name your wireless network anything you want. You have the option to give your wireless network any name as long as it is at least eight characters long. You also can use MyPublicWiFi as a repeater. MyPublicWiFi gives you the option to share your internet connection, whether it is from an Ethernet, WiFi, DSL, HSDPA, or 4G connection. You can track all the sites you visit on your virtual hotspot. More importantly, you can track all the visited URL pages on your hotspot. You can also set parameters to prevent users from having access to certain services. MyPublicWiFi offers a firewall that allows you to restrict certain users from having access to the program. Mypublicwifi lets anyone surf the internet through your access point. This is particularly useful for situations where you want to set up a temporary access point, such as in a hotel room, meeting, or at home. MyPublicWiFi is a program that turns your PC into a wireless access point. Displays IP address, MAC address, and device name of all connected devices.Track and record all sessions on your virtual hotspot.Restrict user access and prevent the use of certain services.
The IP addresses, device names and MAC addresses (Media Access Control) of connected Clients will be displayed.MyPublicWiFi is free software that allows you to turn your laptop into a safe and secure wireless access point. This allows you to track all visited url pages. MyPublicWiFi can be used to record all sessions actions on you virtual WIFI-Hotspot. You can also prevent the use of certain Internet services (e.g. The MyPublicWiFi-Firewall can be used to restrict user access to specific servers. You can stop your running virtual WiFi Hotspot. Your friends or family members looking for available wireless networks and connect to your created wireless virtual network. The Wireless Network create/shared uses WPA2 Encryption MyPublicWiFi is an easy-to-use software that turns.
Just make sure the password is at least 8 characters. Turn your computer into a WiFi Access Point with Firewall, URL Tracking, Adblocker and Bandwidth Manager. You can give your virtual wireless network any name you want, and also set the password to anything. MyPublicWiFi allows you to record and track all visited url pages on your virtual WIFI-Hotspot.

The MyPblicWiFi-Firewall can be used to restrict user access to specific servers. This is also an ideal solution for setting up a temporary Access Point in a hotel room,meeting room,at home or the like. Anyone nearby can surf the Internet through your sharing.

MyPublicWiFi is an easy-to-use software that turns your laptop/PC into a Wi-Fi wireless access point.